31a. Everyone recognizes that salvation from sin is a chosen relationship with Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. (Lu 9:23, Jn 14:23, Rev 3:20)
31b. Salvation from sickness is a chosen relationship with Jesus as our Healer. (Same references as above)
32a. We teach that a person must have an ongoing relationship with Jesus to live a saved life and not just an experience. (Mat 10:22, Jn 15, Phi 3:10, Heb 11:6)
32b. Many depend on a one-time experience of healing but never develop an ongoing relationship with Jesus to live in divine health. (Same references as above)
33a. Relationship with Jesus produces maintained victory over sin and prevents enemy re-entry. (Jn 15, Gal 5:16, Eph 4:27, 1Th 5:23, Jud 24)
33b. Relationship with Jesus produces maintained victory over sickness and prevents enemy re-entry. (Same references as above…also Jn 5:14)
34a. Though sin is a common occurrence, we believe it should not be because it is against God’s original intent for humanity. (Gen 1:31, Ecc 7:29, Rom 8:28-29, Col 3:9-10, Rev 21:27)
34b. Sickness is a common occurrence, and many believe it just has to be that way and there’s nothing we can do about it. Even though sickness is against God’s original intent for humanity, many joke about it, plan on experiencing it, etc. Do we treat sin this way? (Gen 1:31, Deut 28, Rom 8:28-29, Rev 22:1-3)
35a. Jesus treated sin and sickness predictably the same. (Mat 18:13-33, Mar 9:25, Lu 4:38-39, Lu 9:55, Jn 15:22, Acts 10:38, 1 Jn 3:8)
35b. Why do so many think a Christian is strange to treat sickness like Jesus always did? (Mat 28:18-20, Jn 14:12-14, Acts 28:8-9, 2 Cor 5:20)
36a. We know the law of faith applies to salvation from sin. In other words, one must believe correctly about Jesus to experience forgiveness. One cannot believe that Jesus was only a man and not divine, as Islam teaches. Nor can one believe that a salvation prayer offered to Mary is just as secure and effective as one offered to Jesus. These beliefs are violations of the law of faith, and God will not violate His own law by validating them. (Jn 10:1, Jn 14:6, Acts 4:12, Rom 3:27, 2 Tim 2:13, 1 Jn 4:2-3)
36b. Many forget the law of faith applies to healing also. In other words, correct believing does make a difference in whether we experience healing or not. Many believe God is specific in what we believe for salvation, but He is generic and loose with our beliefs for healing. (Mat 17:19-20, Mat 21:22, Mar 11:22-24, Mar 16:18, 2 Tim 2:13, Jam 1:6-7, Jam 5:15)
37a. In modern history, ministry toward salvation from sin is more practiced and familiar to Christians in general.
37b. Ministry toward healing from sickness is less practiced and familiar to Christians in general. There was never meant to be this divorcement. (Mat 10:7-8, Mar 16:15-20)
38a. As with anything, more ministry experience fine tunes and increases effectiveness in our evangelism to the lost. It gets better through consistent use. (2 Cor 9:6, Gal 6:9, Col 1:10, Heb 5:13-14, 2 Pet 1:8)
38b. If we prepared ourselves for and pursued more healing ministry, we would see increased effectiveness as well. You can’t reap from seed that hasn’t been sown. (Same references as above)
39a. Christians would think one who is not active in soul-winning is unqualified to correct someone who is. (1 Tim 5:1 “elder”-not only speaks of age but experience, 2 Cor 6:3-10, 2 Cor 11:23, Jam 2:17-20)
39b. All too many critics with little to no experience in healing ministry attempt to correct those with years of consistent experience. (Same references as above)
40a. Evangelistic ministry toward the lost carries less stigma, less doctrinal differences, and therefore less practical hurdles.
40b. Interestingly, healing ministry toward the sick carries more stigma, more doctrinal differences, and therefore more practical hurdles.
41a. We don’t decide whether we should preach the Gospel to the lost by what the statistics say. Why? Because the Word is clear. (Mat 10:7-8, Mat 24:14, Mar 16:15-18, 2 Tim 4:2)
41b. Why do so many decide whether healing ministry is for today or not based on statistics? Is the Word not clear enough for us? (Same references as above)
42a. People who believe it’s always God’s will to save every sinner, and that we have the commission to proclaim the Gospel, do not receive nor appreciate a guilt trip and shame treatment for why they are not emptying out bars, sports arenas, etc. After all, eternally damned is worse than temporarily sick. Every Christian should care most for the eternal suffering of people, but not to the neglect/indifference for their present suffering. (Mar 16:15-18, 1 Cor 9:16, 2 Tim 3:12)
42b. Why do people try to shame and guilt believers who believe it’s always God’s will to heal every sick person, and that we have authority over sickness. They ask, “ Why are you not emptying out hospitals, nursing homes, etc?” First of all, authoritative, faith-filled ministry is not usually welcomed by the hospital staff nor the families of the sick, just as bold, Gospel preaching is not typically welcomed in the places that need it most. (Same references as above with the addition of Lu 10:8-12 where Jesus recognized the possibility of people rejecting them and not receiving their ministry)
43a. Are we setting Christians up for failure and disappointment by encouraging them to witness because it’s God’s will that all be saved? Is this risking the possibility of them forsaking their faith? What happens when most, if not all, reject the Gospel in a particular outreach effort? Do we conclude, “Well, my evangelistic experience didn’t look like the Book of Acts, so I guess powerful, effective evangelism was just a temporary sign to give the apostles credibility until the Scriptures were completed, and those kind of results ended with the apostles.” No, Christendom doesn’t say that. In fact, if a Christian spent 80 years sharing the Gospel and not one person converted, we would all say that it is still God’s will to save every sinner and that the Christian should witness again today, tomorrow, etc. (Mat 11:2-6)
43b. Why do many think that it is setting a believer up for failure and disappointment to encourage them to lay hands on the sick in faith because it is God’s will that all be healed? So many worry that it will be detrimental to the faith in God if for some reason, someone doesn’t get healed. Why would a negative experience in healing ministry cause someone to forsake the Lord if a negative experience in outreach shouldn’t cause that? (Mat 17:19-20, 2 Tim 4:20 did these experiences terminate the faith and ministries of these believers? No!)
To be continued in Part 6…